Melody's 2021 Reading: Cultural Differences
Instead of taking you through the various genres of fiction I read this year (fantasy, contemporary, and some magical realism, most of it YA), I wanted to share some notes related to the winner of the Non-Fiction Bronze award, Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes . Since reading that book, I've been keeping an eye out for narrative examples that illuminate the cultural differences discussed in Misreading Scripture . (You may also notice some tie-in with the winner of the Non-Fiction Gold award, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self , which investigates the origin of our western obsession with identity. Yep. That obsession, common to westerners both Christians and non-, has an origin story; it's not inherent.) One of the main points of Misreading Scripture is that for each person, there are many cultural things that "go without saying." We don't even know that we believe them, because they feel inherent. And when something feels inherent, it's hard to g...