The Kingdom Isn't Counter-Cultural

I screamed bloody murder about going to college. Always weekly, sometimes daily, God heard about how upset I was to have been uprooted from both family and career to attend university. Upon graduation, I tried every excuse I knew of to stay home. I used conservative philosophies to support my aversion to bills. I clung to minimalist ideals to shrink from owning my own silverware.

Part of my abhorrence of moving out and getting a job--like a normal person--was the fact that it was like a normal person. I didn't want to be normal. I never wanted to look like the culture. I wanted to be counter-cultural!

But what if life in the Kingdom isn't counter-cultural?

Before all my charismatic friends burn me at the stake, let me explain:

Before and after encountering Holy Spirit, I was taught that Christianity was about being counter-cultural. Maybe it wasn't said explicitly, but it was made abundantly clear that being a Christian meant going against the cultural norm.

Everyone else is having sex before marriage? Wait.
Everyone else is reading and watching Harry Potter? Don't.

It makes sense until it doesn't.

If you choose your actions based on how counter-cultural they are, you aren't spreading Kingdom're just a hipster.

Everyone else wears jeans? Wear your boxers.
Everyone else sleeps at night? Sleep all day.
Everyone else eats three meals a day? Eat five. Or, if you really want to push it, none.

That's not the Kingdom. That's just stupid.

The Kingdom is not about being counter-cultural. It is simply it's own culture.

We do not represent the Kingdom by swimming against the tide. We represent the Kingdom by swimming and shining.

Everyone knows not to be conformed by this world. Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The Kingdom isn't just some movement to go against the grain. No, it's new. You are renewed.

The goal was never to be different for the sake of difference. The goal is to be a follower of Christ. If that looks counter-cultural, go for it. If it looks normal, go for it.


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